Author Archives: ironboltbruce

NDAA 2013: Drones, Permanent War And Indefinite Detention Without Charge Or Trial For American Citizens On American Soil

While mainstream media keeps the Sheeple distracted with Christmas classics and inconsistent reporting about killings in Connecticut, Amerika’s corporate fascist puppet Congress quietly hacks away at habeus corpus. )( “In recent decades we have lost sight of the historic achievement that empowered the individual. The religious, legal and political roots of this great achievement are no longer reverently taught in high schools, colleges and universities or respected by our government. The voices that reach us through the millennia and connect us to our culture are being silenced by ‘political correctness’ … Continued


Time Magazine Selects Mass Murderer As Person Of The Year 2012

Time Magazine has selected a mass murderer as Person of the Year for 2012: Drone strikes approved by corporate fascist puppet president Barack Obama kill 49 innocents for every 1 “suspected terrorist” they hit. When drones fly children die, and the American Sheeple who do nothing to stop it are as guilty of murder as their “elected” leaders. )( Tags: drone strikes, murder, genocide, drones, false flag terrorism, guns, gun control, newtown, hypocrisy, obama, bushbama, odrona, war profiteering, corporate fascism, military industrial complex, kleptocracy, time magazine, person of the year, … Continued


Gun Control? Let’s Make That Weapons Control.

After the tragedy in Newtown CT, our fascist-controlled corporate media has the mush-minded American Sheeple once again demanding they be allowed to trade liberty for security in the form of more domestic gun control. Well why just guns? And why just domestically? Like Dubya before him, around the globe our fascist puppet president and Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama kills innocent children and other people falsely counted as “militants” every time he fires drones at so-called “terrorists”. Does he cry then? Do you? Gun control? Let’s make that weapons … Continued


2012 Voter Guide for Demopublicans and Republicrats

Keywords 2012 election, 2012 elections, anonymous, bushbama, bushbamney, corporate fascism, corporate greed, democratic party, democrats, demopublicans, elections, global revolution, gop, judicial overrides, kleptocracy, manufactured consent, obama, obamney, obomney, occupy movement, occupy wall street, odrona, ows, plutocracy, police state, political corruption, politics, predetermined outcomes, puppet politicians, republican party, republicans, republicrats, revolution, rigged elections, rigged voting machines, romney, sheeple, two party duopoly, two party tyranny, vote, vote for nobody, voter, voters, voters guide, voting Hashtags #2012election, #2012elections, #anonymous, #bushbama, #bushbamney, #fascism, #greed, #democrats, #demopublicans, #elections, #globalrevolution, #kleptocracy, #gop, #obama, #obamney, #obomney, #occupy, … Continued


TrapWire: Spying On YOU. Predicting YOUR Moves.

Ignored by corporate media, Wikileaks has exposed a CIA-linked Orwellian thoughtcrime surveillance network that goes far beyond “suspicious activity reporting”. )( TRAPWIRE: SPYING ON YOU. PREDICTING YOUR MOVES. “Hacked emails from the private intelligence firm Stratfor shed light on a global suspicious activity surveillance system called TrapWire that is reportedly in use in locations around the world from the London Stock Exchange to the White House. The emails [released by WikiLeaks] provide information on the extent and operations of a system designed to correlate suspicious activity reports and other evidence … Continued


Parents of Multi-Chem Marketing Coordinator In Fight Against Halliburton Fracking?

Guerrilla Marketing Multi-Chem Style: Fracker RegistersCITIZENSAGAINSTMULTICHEM and CITIZENSAGAINSTMULTI-CHEMdomains to block fracking and pollution protests. )( PARENTS OF MULTI-CHEM MARKETING COORDINATOR IN FIGHT AGAINST HALLIBURTON FRACKING? Citizens Against Multi-Chem founder Marcella Manuel attempted to register the domain name CITIZENSAGAINSTMULTICHEM.COM only to see that apparently Lawrence H. and Charlotte J. Fishlock Griffin – the parents of Multi-Chem Marketing Coordinator Amy Griffin Reese – or one of their house guests beat her to the draw on that name and others like it: The common contact info for … Continued



A poem in protest of the ongoing worldwide population reduction agenda of the ruling global fascist elite kleptocracy… DEPOPULATION by IronBoltBruce )( I thought it was all about money And the power that it buys; But it’s about a depleted planet And with what who survives. It’s simple mathematics, Dividing what by who; They can’t make more resources, But they can make less of you. Forget the genocide of Third World Warlords, U.S. trained; It’s nothing next to body counts For corporations’ gain. Depopulation: Fighting unjust wars Where suicide Takes … Continued


NDAA 2012 Update: Odrona Demands Dismissal Of Section 1021 Injunction

Corporate puppet and wannabe fascist dictator Barack Obama aka Bushbama aka Bushbamney wants to keep the power to make you disappear asserted in AUMF 2001. NDAA 2012 UPDATE: ODRONA DEMANDS DISMISSAL OF SECTION 1021 INJUNCTION “Dissent without civil disobedience is consent.”-Henry David Thoreau In the case of Christopher Hedges et al v. Barack Obama et al (Case 1:12-cv-00331-KBF) the fascist regime of corporate puppet president Barack Bushbamney Odrona just filed its brief in opposition to a permanent injunction against the indefinite detention of American citizens without charge or trial provisions … Continued


Dissent Without Permission: Will Protest Permits & Free Speech Zones Halt Or Hasten Rebellion?

“Dissent without permission” may sound like Orwellian doublespeak, but for Chinese, Russians, Americans and others it’s a criminal offense. Will that backfire? DISSENT WITHOUT PERMISSION: WILL PROTEST PERMITS & FREE SPEECH ZONES HALT OR HASTEN REBELLION? )( IN CHINA, “protesting” without a permit – which defines and limits where, when and how you are allowed to “protest” – is punishable by stiff fines and/or imprisonment for several years: Rising Protests in China Lack of Freedom of Speech and Censorship in China China’s Ai Weiwei loses appeal against tax … Continued


Multi-Chem: Less Bragging About Fracking?

Lowering their fracking profile after a bungled blending blast, this self-proclaimed master fracker can now be found hawking “cleaner fracs through chemistry”. MULTI-CHEM: LESS BRAGGING ABOUT FRACKING? A few days ago we issued a release about Multi-Chem – Halliburton’s newly-acquired oilfield production chemicals and fracking subsidiary – that included the following: “Multi-Chem describes itself as ‘the global leader in EGR’ – where EGR stands for Enhanced Gas Recovery technologies such as hydraulic fracture stimulation, also called hydraulic fracturing, known and loathed by many of us as ‘fracking’, but referred to … Continued