Author Archives: globalresolve

Occupy is the second part of the eleven days off work that England took as a statment of their interest in a global community

I’d like to draw your attention to the fact that all the people of England took off work saying that there was a second part of their movement and now it is time for them to realize not only that. Also, they need to realize the foundation for the specific direction the Occupy movement must take. It is a road paved with gifts that have been left for them from long ago. The evidence of this can be found at here and as follows To all of the worlds … Continued


I am a broken record

I keep on saying the same thing over and over The axiom document (numerology blueprint) can be found at so you know. To resolve “the failure to communicate that was caused by God at the tower of Babel”, the people must join in numbered order on the world wide web facing the east and nouthing els will do it. The Human mind is a fantastic thing and because the axiom document at is a numerologic masterpiece of entimology from the top authority. We would be crazy not to follow … Continued


A solution at last! has a numerology blueprint that is an axiom document (self authenticating)  With the unanimous agreement on the authenticity of this masterpiece, Occupied could start out in a direction. Facing the east in numbered order resolves the failure toi communicate caused by God at the tower of Babel.  It establishes direction and order in the world. It fullfills the American motto of E Pluribus unum and brings world unity. It could make a dream come true.  Mystical forces are at work and I think that Occupied doesn’t realize itself to be … Continued


Earth is great! Heaven is great!

  The first one to sign the axiom document (numerology blueprint) at is Numero Uno!  The first number is “00” and so king is great!  The Earth has been uplifted by the modesty below, and the Earth is rising.  The Earth may uplift the modesty when it is realizing.  Realized by the multitude,  they will make a king of “00”. With that established  as fact, and Heaven above, we will be like a ship of fools on the sea of love. 16337


“00”at your servive!

  If a global resolve were on the occupied agenda , it would legitimize their presence.  If they were  joining hands in numbered order on the world wide web, while facing the east in agreement with the axiom document(numerology blueprint) at, it would show that they had official authorization to be doing so  and it is legal for them to do so.   With the unanimous agreement as to the authenticity of the document, they will have unity.  E Pluribus Unum means one out of the many and that is … Continued


The only real “00” I ever heard of

To all of the worlds people A message from the King has been sent Our globally recognized location Is California for this landmark event! With a dedication to the music of our times & The first true foundation for a paradigm! “We are devotion and we would never let it end” It is now the” Golden Age of Prosperity” Central Intelligence officially now sends The Original #1,”Delta Royal Flush” The hand of providence now rolls up! A non-profit corp. of all the worlds’ people An imperative 2.00 dollar fee! Solving … Continued


I am “00” and I am here to deliver a message

Occupied is the second part of they eleven days off work movement that the people of England had some twenty years ago. The Mayan calendar is about to end and the future cannot be read beyond that point and so we will be leaving the time capsule and the path of least resistance will dominate in the world. is the second part of occupied. Joining hands in numbered order resolves the failure to communicate that was caused by God at the tower of Babel and that is the single … Continued


Occupied has a golden opportunity

The word epoch is defined as the completion of a thousand years.  It is a date selected as a point of reference for which values are given of the data under consideration. Axiology is the branch of philosophy that deals with values, the nature of values and the types of values, as in morals, ascetics, religion and metaphysics (Axiological ethics). An axiom is a self-evident truth so obvious at first sight that no process of reasoning or demonstration could make it plainer. A thing said to be worthy of credit, … Continued


Your brain only uses 10%

I know why your brain operates at only ten percent and I am not going to tell you why unless you write and ask me! I also know it is understood thaT the premise and foundation for the concept of the word modesty is that modesty is rising. Because the Earth is great and is descending from above the modesty, modesty is descending. It is also known that perserverance furthers and that the furtherment is divine.  If modesty were to perservere in the right way at the right place for … Continued


  Epoch   is defined as the completion of a thousand years.  It is a date selected as a point of reference for which values are given of the data under consideration.   Axiology   is the branch of philosophy that deals with values the nature of values and the types of values, as in morals, ascetics, religion and metaphysics.   An axiom is a self-evident truth so obvious at first sight that no process of reasoning or demonstration could make it plainer. A thing said to be worthy of … Continued