Occupy Lakeview Elementary School–Closed by Oakland School District

Categories: Announcements, Autonomous Action, Events, Front Page, Open Mic

WHERE: Lakeview Elementary School, 746 Grand Avenue, Oakland CA 94610
WHAT: Sit-in Protest To Reverse Closures of Oakland Public Schools
WHEN: Beginning Friday, June 15 at 1:00 p.m. PST
WHO: Teachers, parents, students, allies, and all who believe in public education
At the end of this school year, the Oakland Unified School District plans to close five public elementary schools and hand children’s school buildings over to private charter schools and district administration offices. Hundreds of the displaced students have been placed by the district in elementary schools that are 10 miles away, and the school district has offered no guarantee that transportation will be provided for families. In response…

Oakland Parents and Teachers Are Sitting-in to Keep Neighborhood Schools Open!

We Need Your Support!!!

On June 15th, after the last day of school, Oakland parents and teachers will sit in at Lakeview Elementary demanding that the district keep all neighborhood schools open. The district has not listened to lawsuits, pleas from parents and teachers, or protests. We know the money exists, but still they insist on closing flatland schools serving predominantly black and brown children. We say no more excuses! We’re keeping the schools open the last way left to us, by sitting-in. But we cannot do this alone. We need your support! Demand the district and the politicians give us full funding for quality education in neighborhood public schools. Join the fight for our kids’ futures!

We demand:

* Don’t Close the 5 Schools! Keep All Neighborhood Schools Open! Children’s Needs Before Administration’s!
* Stop Attacks on Teachers and School Workers! Teacher Conditions=Student Conditions.
* Refuse to Pay the Unjust State Debt!
* Fully Fund Quality Public Education for All Students!

Support the People’s School for Public Education:

Friday 6/15 @ 1:00pm– Community Speakout & BBQ
Friday 6/15 @ 4:00pm– Rally to Kick-Off Sit-In
Saturday 6/16 @ 2:00pm – People’s School Solidarity Rally
Every Night starting Friday @ 9:00 – Solidarity Watch

Join our work committees to organize for this action – Email education4the99 [at] gmail.com to get involved!

On Monday, the 18th, we will be starting a free, week-long social justice summer program for our kids – Emaileducation4the99@gmail.com for more info and to enroll your child.

Spread the word – Tell your friends and family!


The following are the Principles Of Action for Lakeview Elementary. This is a parent, teacher, and student led action. Please respect and abide by their principles:

1. Refer all interviews to parents, teachers, and people directly impacted by education struggle who are on a sit-in committee (they will be wearing a special shirt).
2. Do not confront the police.
3. No Black Bloc tactics.
4. No Drugs or Alcohol. This is intended to be a children and family atmosphere.
5. No Violence
No destruction of property.
6. People sitting in will be people directly affected by education struggle and who work on a sit-in committee (wearing special shirts).
7. This is a peaceful action.

Learn more about Oakland’s school closures:

* Speaking Out Against School Closures: Oakland’s Santa Fe Elementary
* School Closures: District Calls For A Time-out On Its 25-School Hit List
* ‘School Board Says It’s Closing Time At Maxwell Park’ by Rob Rooke, president of the Maxwell Park PTA

For more information, and to get involved:

education4the99 [at] gmail [dot] com and education4the99.wordpress.com

-click on the map for directions-

-click on the map for directions-


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