Occupy Presence at the Murmur

Categories: Discussion

Would anyone be interested in putting together a low-key Occupy Oakland presence at the December 2 Oakland Art Murmur?  I’m thinking of something along the lines of an info desk coupled with a protest sign creation station.

This would be an autonomous action (no need for GA consensus).

There would be 3 main objectives:

  1. Raise awareness about the inequities driving the Occupy movement.
  2. Correct the record about Occupy Oakland (which means telling the truth, even when it’s uncomfortable)
  3. Present Occupy Oakland in a positive light (highlight what OO has done well, don’t bad-mouth other occupiers, avoid shouting matches, etc)
The Oakland Art Murmur is one of the city’s points of pride, and there is a huge potential for bad press if things go haywire.  I would therefore prefer that everyone taking part in this action play by the rules and err on the side of non-confrontation.
At first I had a “no vandalism” line in here, in anticipation of the inevitable question, but I’m getting sick and tired of writing such things.  It’s not like OO has had a pattern of vandalism – and I’d rather not validate the illusion that it does.

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