Occupy Oakland Rally to Decolonize Criminalized Communities!

Categories: Front Page, News, Press Releases 2011

Nov 30 rallyA Solidarity Action with Occupy Phoenix to shut down ALEC!

At five pm on Wednesday, November 30th, activists and community members of Oakland will rally at Fruitvale Plaza to say no to criminalization, incarceration, and corporate profiteering at the expense of our communities.

Racist laws such as Secure Communities, Mandatory Minimum Sentencing, Truth in Sentencing and Gang Injunctions impact Oakland communities.The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), an organization thatis comprised of 2000 legislators and 300 corporate members, has beenbehind and benefits from such corrupt criminalizing policies.

From November 29- December 3rd, ALEC is holding a conference in Scottsdale, AZ. The conference will prioritize bills to privatize education, break unions, deregulate major industries, and pass voter I.D. laws.

Occupy Oakland will stand in solidarity with Occupy Phoenix and all affected communities to oppose ALEC and put an end to racist policies that criminalize and divide our communities. According to one member of Occupy Oakland “This moment presents new possibilities, including addressing injustices that have been impacting communities of Oakland for a long time.”

Occupy Oakland will host an informational session on ALEC from noon to 4pm at the Oscar Grant Plaza. Occupy Oakland’s General Assembly will proceed after the rally in Fruitvale.

WHEN: WEDNESDAY, November 30th. 5 PM

For more information on ALEC visit: azresistsalec.wordpress.com or alecexposed.org


4 Responses to “Occupy Oakland Rally to Decolonize Criminalized Communities!”

  1. samplocracy

    there is a massive strike going on over here in london tomorrow as well. hope you guys get a big number.

    i’ve started a blog on direct forms of democracy, that you might find interesting. here is the site if you are interested….


  2. Simcha

    Thanks. I was becoming reluctant to ask since my questions don’t seem to make people feel all warm and fuzzy.

  3. a_small_voice

    could youi please explain what “decolonize” means in the context of the movement and in the context of this action, for people who might not understand? thanks!