Do you want real change?.

Categories: Open Mic

Do you want real change?. Let’s work together; we have the power that has the capacity to stop the Washington culture of corruption and place in The White House and our Congress, true leaders, that will stand for our Constitution, our Sovereignty and enforce our immigration laws. Let’s stop the Obama, culture of corruption. Let’s stop the US Supreme court from the demise our Constitution. Let’s stop Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano and the US Dept. of justice from voiding, undermining and stopping the enforcement of our immigration laws. Let’s stop this invasion of illegal aliens that are taken our jobs and destroying our country. Let’s stop the greedy multinational corporations that are outsourcing American jobs overseas and killing the American dream of prosperity. let’s stop this free trade that is making the working America an economic slaves. Let’s stop this overwhelming debt that is the result of expending money we don’t have, on economic crony-ism, stimulus that favor Obama’s cronies. Let’s work together with passion to retire Obama, the Democrats and the Republicans that betray us; they are a disgrace to our country and to the people that voted for them.

Will America fail because you are too busy? Politicians and the elite of Globalization count on Americans apathy and ignorance to keep destroying our country. How much longer do you think we can wait before they destroy our country.

Freedom comes with responsibility; our responsibility is: stand for our Constitution, our Sovereignty, the rule of law and our American values. We must fight for the preservation of our country. Our love for our country always drives us to seek the truth and educate the people on solutions that are both effective and in agreement with our Constitution and the rule of law.

Let’s restore, Honesty – integrity – Honor and our American values in our Government.


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