
Street-medic live action role playing
Apr 29 @ 4:00 pm – Apr 30 @ 12:00 am

Hey there! As a fun way to get ready for may day, we will host a wonderful medic event.

This event might be more useful if you have already been a street-medic, and or you have been trained. We will not go over a whole training at this event, this is just to  practice your skills and for us to hangout and have fun!

Please bring: Clothes you will get dirty in! supplies to share! A lunch or money/ebt etc to get one. friends who want to be lovely actors, your awesome skills,

Tentative schedule:

9am-12pm workshop skill share discussion, social, maybe breakout groups for detailed workshops

12-1pm lunch and social and supply swap!

1 til 4pm scenarios, feedback, and live action role playing.

4 til 5pm socialize

5pm end of the event!

First come First on the list. Limited room. Please RSVP to

Stand with Walmart Strikers on Black Friday @ Walmart #5435 San Jose
Nov 23 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Black Friday at Walmart #5435 San Jose

Time-iconNovember 23 • 12:00 pm

Location-icon777 Story Rd, San Jose, CA or 650-302-5576

Stand with Walmart workers in their fight for their rights in San Jose, CA. For decades, Walmart Stores, Inc have dragged down wages, forcing their workers to work irregular schedules, and intimidated and took retribution on any workers who fought back. It’s time for the retribution to end, so come to this local Walmart to show your solidarity and tell Walmart that they need to pay their fair share.  This Walmart store also houses Walmart’s Corporate Market Offices (management, human resources, etc…), so join Walmart Workers from all over the South Bay at a rally Walmart will never forget!

International Women’s Day March! in SF @ Broadway & Columbus Avenue
Mar 10 @ 1:59 am – 5:59 am
International Women’s Day March Against the Sites of the Oppression of Women
Saturday, March 9
6-9PM, Meet at Broadway & Columbus in SF

From the expanding porn industry to the escalating attacks on abortion rights… In a world like this, there is no “neutral.” If you are not fighting the oppression of women, you are saying it’s okay!


This International Women’s Day, 2013, join Stop Patriarchy! Bay Area in the streets to say:
We refuse to accept a world which enslaves and degrades half of humanity  simply  because they are born female. We are done turning our heads and making excuses. We are done swallowing the daily insults and abuses. We are  done blaming ourselves and/or each other. We are done choking on our rage. We dare to confront this war on women head-on, without fear and without compromise.


We will start LOUDLY and BOLDLY at Broadway and Columbus in North Beach, where women are commodified, sold, and used at the strip clubs, porn stores and on the street.  Then we will MARCH through San Francisco, take back the night in the name of women everywhere, and CALL OUT the institutions of patriarchy, in all forms – no matter how normalized they have become.


Only  through mass, ferocious, political struggle can we begin turn the tide, and we won’t stop until we create a world where women can walk the earth free of fear of rape or violence from men, a world where women participate fully  and equally in every realm together with men, a world where being born female is no longer condemnation to a life of abuse and shame.


For International Women’s Day 2013, through our mass public actions around the country – joining with women and men around the world – we will make it known:  there is a new movement taking hold, a movement you have to join, a movement that will not stop until all the chains that bind women have been shattered forever.




IWD2013 – See full flier
RALLY TO DEFEND ILWU ! International Day Of Action @ 1 Montgomery/Market in SF
Mar 15 @ 11:30 pm – Mar 16 @ 1:30 am


International Day Of Action  

Stop Mitsui Union Busting and Concessionary Contracts

Fight the Lockout of ILWU by United Grain

in the Port of Vancouver, Washington


Friday March 15, 2013 –  4:30PM

1 Montgomery/Market Sts., SF


On March 15, 2013 there will be international actions and protests against the union busting lockout of ILWU Local 4 members by the Mitsui-owned company United Grain in the Port Of Vancouver, Washington.

Since the concessionary contract at EGT in Longview, Washington, other grain handlers have imposed a similar contract in NW grain ports after longshore workers voted 94% to reject it. The contract eliminated the union hiring hall, imposed a 12 hour day and allowed the replacement of union members if they stopped work for health and safety reasons. The other anti-union grain monopoly Cargill/Temco signed a separate agreement which includes many of these draconian measures which is being heralded by union officials as a “victory” because, they say, Cargill is American-owned. Longshore workers  in Portland, the West Coast’s largest grain port, voted that concessionary contract down.

Already there have been fires and dangerous accidents working under these contracts.

Mitsui-owned United Grain locked out the ILWU members and have brought in scabs who have been training for many months to bust the ILWU. This attack on the union hiring hall, a key victory of the 1934 West Coast Maritime strike, is a major defeat for  members of the ILWU and all workers whether in unions or not. This also whets the appetite of all maritime bosses who are want to impose EGT-type concessions in 2014 when the West Coast longshore contract expires.

The ILWU International leadership, using racist, flag-waving nationalism, is attacking Japanese capitalist bosses like they did during the lockout of ILWU Local 30 miners who were locked out in Boron, California by British-based Rio Tinto. This is a reactionary diversion. Only international labor solidarity actions can  beat these union busters. Many companies are global. Whether British-owned company, Japanese-owned or American-owned, these companies are intent on destroying union labor here and around the world.

The ILWU Local 8 Executive Board in Portland and Japanese Doro-Chiba railway union have taken the initiative to call for action against Mitsui in solidarity with ILWU grain workers. The Transport Workers Solidarity Committee (TWSC) is supporting this International Day of Action.

Join us on Friday March 15th at 4:30 PM at 1 Montgomery Street in San Francisco at the headquarters of Mitsui in California. Let them know: Union busting is disgusting!

For more information go to    Or call 510-501-7080

Oakland Privacy Working Group Meeting @ The Sudoroom
Feb 27 @ 4:30 am – 5:45 am

NOTE: We are meeting at 8:30 tonight so we can attend the first public meeting on the DAC “privacy” policy.

Join Oakland Privacy Working Group to organize against the Domain Awareness Center (DAC), Oakland’s citywide networked mass surveillance hub.

We aim to have 2 monthly meetings, every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 6:30 at the SUDOROOM.  Stop by and learn how you can help guard Oakland’s right not to be spied on by the government & if you are interested in joining the Oakland Privacy Working Group email listserv, send an email to:

The entrance to the sudoroom is on 22nd Street, ring the buzzer and come up the stairs or take the elevator.

For more information on the DAC check out the DAC FAQ, the Oakland Wiki Domain Awareness Page and the Oakland Privacy WordPress.
