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1:00 pm Basic Income March @ Ferry Building, Embarcadero
Basic Income March @ Ferry Building, Embarcadero
Oct 26 @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Our economy is leaving millions behind. Join the people powered movement to send the message that our society and economy needs to evolve to meet the challenges of the 21st century. San Francisco March Website: Join San Francisco, New York, Amsterdam and cities around the world for this global movement! Get involved. Get inspired. Together, we can make historic change. #basicincomemarch #basicincome #incomemarch #weoweus #ubi #universalbasicincome #allofus #nyc #yanggang #freedomdividend #yanggang2020 #humanityfirst @ubimarchsf See Less67187
1:00 pm Trump/Pence Out Now! @ BART Plaza
Trump/Pence Out Now! @ BART Plaza
Oct 26 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
It BEGINS Saturday, October 19, in NYC (Union Square) and LA (Santa Monica Beach) demanding… THE TRUMP/PENCE REGIME MUST GO – NOW! Protest spreads NATIONWIDE Bay Area Protests Start October 26, Continue Every Saturday Until the Fascist Trump/Pence Regime is Driven OUT The Trump/Pence regime poses a catastrophic danger to all of humanity, including the LGBT community targeted by its Christian fundamentalist core. Concentration Camps on the border… environmental devastation accelerated… the danger of war, even nuclear, threatened… white supremacy rules… fascist mobs and racist mass murderers… truth and science … Continued
3:00 pm Poor People’s Campaign: Moral Budget Reading Group @ Omni Commons
Poor People’s Campaign: Moral Budget Reading Group @ Omni Commons
Oct 26 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
What will it take to truly address the systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, militarism, and war economy plaguing our country today? The answer is presented in the Poor People’s Campaign Moral Budget, which lays out the policies and investments to address the widespread and systemic injustices we face. We invite you to come together with other supporters of the Poor People’s Campaign to learn more about these solutions through our Moral Budget Reading Group. This will be a space for us to develop our collective understanding of the policies we’re … Continued
3:00 pm Richmond Progressive Alliance @ Bobby Bowens Progressive Center
Richmond Progressive Alliance @ Bobby Bowens Progressive Center
Oct 26 @ 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
RPA Membership Meeting RPA Members only.  You can join at the door or join online here.67200
5:30 pm Block the Boat 5 Year Anniversary Celebration! @ The Eric Quezada Center for Culture and Politics
Block the Boat 5 Year Anniversary Celebration! @ The Eric Quezada Center for Culture and Politics
Oct 26 @ 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Five years ago, the Bay Area achieved one of the most successful BDS victories against apartheid Israel in US history! In 2014 we stopped the Israeli-owned ZIM shipping line from docking at the Port of Oakland for 3 consecutive months, and it hasn’t returned since! Join us to celebrate the historic and decisive Block the Boat victory as a major contribution to all movements for social and economic justice! Block the Boat was part of a sustained organizing effort to protest Israel’s ongoing occupation, war on Gaza, and settler-violence against … Continued