
8 Sun
Volunteer to Help the OMNI Provide Safe, Dry Shelter
Volunteer to Help the OMNI Provide Safe, Dry Shelter
Jan 8 all-day
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4:00 pm Decolonization Reading Group: Wretched of the Earth by Franz Fanon @ Online and Omni Commons
Decolonization Reading Group: Wretched of the Earth by Franz Fanon @ Online and Omni Commons
Jan 8 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
4:00 pm Occupy Oakland General Assembly @ Oscar Grant Plaza
Occupy Oakland General Assembly @ Oscar Grant Plaza
Jan 8 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Occupy Oakland General Assembly @ Oscar Grant Plaza | Oakland | California | United States
NOTE: During the Plague Year of 2020 GA will be held every week or two on Zoom. To find out the exact time a date get on the Occupy Oakland email list my sending an email to:   The Occupy Oakland General Assembly meets every Sunday at 4 PM at Oscar Grant Plaza amphitheater at 14th Street & Broadway near the steps of City Hall. If for some reason the amphitheater is being used otherwise and/or OGP itself is inaccessible, we will meet at Kaiser Park, right next to … Continued
5:00 pm Green Sunday: Conflict in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa: Countering the US Propaganda Narrative   @ Online
Green Sunday: Conflict in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa: Countering the US Propaganda Narrative   @ Online
Jan 8 @ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm The two-year civil war in Ethiopia has seen far more casualties than the Ukraine War but received a tiny fraction of the press. Estimates are that half a million people, maybe even more, have died, while the highest estimate is 100,000 in Ukraine. According to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center, Ethiopia also saw a record number of people internally displaced by conflict in 2021, over five million. The press it has gotten has been largely that of the genocide industrial complex, which portrays the Tegaru minority as victims in … Continued
7:00 pm The Pursuit of Happiness framed in political-economic terms @ Online
The Pursuit of Happiness framed in political-economic terms @ Online
Jan 8 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Location Details: Virtual through Google Meet: The Pursuit of Happiness framed in political-economic terms Google Meet joining info Video call link: Join high school US History teacher David Giesen as he vets an overview–seeking your critique–of next year’s approach to US History. The curriculum’s theme is “Liberating the Pursuit of Happiness.” The “elevator pitch” is: The United States was created in the stated belief that governments should exist in order to facilitate a people’s ability to pursue happiness. The pursuit of happiness requires liberty to be playfully expressive. The … Continued