
California Solidarity Conference
Dec 9 – Dec 10 all-day

What is the California Solidarity Conference?


Saturday 9AM-5:45PM  | Sunday 10AM-5:30PM

The 2017 California Solidarity Conference is a resource for our movement.

This weekend-long “unconference” is an opportunity for movement organizers, legislative advocates, policy experts, and issue campaigners to build solidarity across issue areas and discuss how to lay the groundwork for long-term systemic change in California and beyond.

In the past year since the election, the progressive movement across the country has been engaged in all-out resistance – with California leading the charge. The Solidarity Conference is a chance for us to come together from across the state to share struggles, lessons, and victories so that we can move forward into 2018 united and ready to win.

This is an unconference – that means YOU set the agenda and choose how best to spend your time. We’ll come together every day for plenary sessions and panel discussions, and for the rest of the time you will choose from dozens of participant-led discussions and workshops – maybe you’ll lead one yourself!

Areas of Focus

  • Stopping the Trump agenda and defending targeted communities
  • Developing political power and organizing for long-term change
  • Working towards a bold progressive vision of the future

You set the agenda

This is an unconference. That means that when you arrive on Saturday morning, only the first block of sessions will be filled in. Participants (that’s you!) will be able to submit sessions online before the event and also on-site once you arrive.

Once you submit your sessions, our volunteer team of dedicated agenda-makers* will work to ensure that the highest level of diversity, variety, and impact is represented in the schedule. If multiple people submit similar sessions, we might encourage you to work together!

There will always be multiple sessions happening at every session block, and the evolving agenda will be located in an easy-to-find public space for when you are looking for your next session.

Any sessions that don’t make it into the schedule on Saturday can be re-submitted on Sunday, and it’s common for Sunday sessions to grow out of conversations that happen on Saturday.

All you need to submit a session is:

  • A title for your session
  • A very brief description
  • A list of session organizers (you and whoever is convening the session with you)
  • What kind of session is it (workshop, discussion, etc)

The biggest rule of an unconference: If you aren’t learning or contributing, go somewhere else. You are encouraged to vote with your feet and switch sessions whenever you want!

Conference Agenda

Free admission for volunteers*

Monthly Interfaith Prayers for Victims and Survivors of Violence @ Bahai Center
Dec 10 @ 9:30 am – 11:30 am

Monthly interfaith prayer meeting, held on second Sundays, dedicated to survivors and victims of violence and police terror in Oakland.

“Remember the saying: ‘Of all pilgrimages the greatest is to relieve the sorrow-laden heart.'” ~ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

The Baha’i community of Oakland is organizing this gathering for the community to connect, share prayers, writings and poems from all spiritual traditions, reflect and recharge and build coalitions interested in healing.

Come share prayers, quotes, poems, and favorite passages from your scriptures with us. Simple breakfast will be served.

“Thy name is my healing, O my God, and remembrance of Thee is my remedy. Nearness to Thee is my hope, and love for Thee is my companion. Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succor in both this world and the world to come. Thou, verily, art the All-Bountiful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.” ~ Bahá’u’lláh

North Korea: Land of the Soft-Spoken Woman @ Niebyl Proctor Library
Dec 10 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm


Protest the Eviction of Aunti Frances @ Driver's Plaza
Dec 10 @ 11:00 am – 12:30 pm

DEFEND AUNTI FRANCES! Emergency Eviction Defense Rally.
Please come for an emergency eviction defense rally for beloved Oakland community member Aunti Frances Moore. It is crucial we get as many people as possible to show up and prove to Aunti Frances’ landlords that her community will support her no matter what. As the official launch of our eviction defense campaign, this event and its community turnout will be crucial. We will celebrate with food, music, and people power. Bring your kids, friends, and neighbors!

For any questions, please contact info@defendauntifrances.orgStay connected with this cause!

 Join our list-serv here.


DSA: General Membership Meeting @ Omni Commons
Dec 10 @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm


Join your fellow East Bay DSA members for the first of our bi-monthly membership meetings! This is an opportunity to meet new comrades, learn about what’s happening in the chapter, and participate in our shared democratic process. These meetings, which include voting and debate on proposals for chapter projects, are the highest decision-making body within our chapter. Your participation is crucial for determining our shared political and organizational priorities.

A draft agenda of business to be voted on at the meeting will be posted to the East Bay DSA website on Tuesday, November 21, and the final agenda — including any amendments submitted to the proposals — will be posted by Sunday, December 3.

The agenda is crafted by the Local Council (LC) and by general membership. Agenda items are either developed by members in collaboration with the Local Council, or brought forward by LC committees. Members can also automatically put a proposal on the agenda by gathering the signatures of 10 percent of our chapter membership, which currently equals 90 members. Please see the full set of meeting deadlines and procedures here. Members will also be able to submit position papers in support of or opposed to proposals, to be published on our website, via a link that will be posted with the draft and final agendas.

Meetings like this take a lot of collective effort! Please volunteer to help with setup, sign-in, and other important tasks.


The Omni Commons ballroom is wheelchair accessible, and the Omni Commons has a wheelchair-accessible restroom. Detailed accessibility information for the Omni is here.

If you would like to request accessibility accommodation, including supervised child activities, please fill out the RSVP form or email We are continually trying to improve our democratic mechanisms, so please reach out via that email address if you have any other questions or feedback about the meetings process.

Occupy Oakland General Assembly @ Oscar Grant Plaza
Dec 10 @ 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

The Occupy Oakland General Assembly meets every Sunday at 3 PM at Oscar Grant Plaza amphitheater at 14th Street & Broadway near the steps of City Hall.  If for some reason the amphitheater is being used otherwise and/or OGP itself is inaccessible, we will meet at Kaiser Park, right next to the statues, on 19th St. between San Pablo and Telegraph.  If it is raining (as in RAINING, not just misting) at 3:00 PM we meet in the basement of the Omni Collective, 4799 Shattuck Ave., Oakland.  (Note: we meet at 3:00 PM during the cooler months,  once Daylight Savings Time springs forward we tend to assemble at 4 PM).

On every ‘last Sunday’ we meet a little earlier at 2 PM to have a community potluck to which all are welcome.

ooGAOO General Assembly has met on a continuous basis for over five years! Our General Assembly is a participatory gathering of Oakland community members and beyond, where everyone who shows up is treated equally. Our Assembly and the process we have collectively cultivated strives to reach agreement while building community.

At the GA committees, caucuses, and loosely associated groups whose representatives come voluntarily report on past and future actions, with discussion. We encourage everyone participating in the Occupy Oakland GA to be part of at least one associated group, but it is by no means a requirement. If you like, just come and hear all the organizing being done! Occupy Oakland encourages political activity that is decentralized and welcomes diverse voices and actions into the movement.

General Assembly Standard Agenda

  1. Welcome & Introductions
  2. Reports from Committees, Caucuses, & Independent Organizations
  3. Announcements
  4. (Optional) Discussion Topic

Occupy Oakland activities and contact info for some Bay Area Groups with past or present Occupy Oakland members.

Occupy Oakland Web Committee: (
Strike Debt Bay Area :
Berkeley Post Office Defenders:
Alan Blueford Center 4 Justice:
Oakland Privacy Working Group:
Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity:
Bay Area AntiRepression:
Biblioteca Popular:
Interfaith Tent:
Port Truckers Solidarity:
Bay Area Intifada:
Transport Workers Solidarity:
Fresh Juice Party (aka Chalkupy)
Sudo Room:
Omni Collective:
First They Came for the Homeless:
Sunflower Alliance:
Bay Area Public School:

San Francisco based groups:
Occupy Bay Area United:
Occupy Forum: (see OBAU above)
San Francisco Projection Department:

 Green Party Holiday Party  @ Niebyl Proctor Library
Dec 10 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Dear Greens and Supporters,

Celebrate the Holiday Season with old friends and new. We’ll have good fun, yummy food, drink, and open dialogue at the 2017 Annual Potluck Holiday Party

Bring your choice of food or drink for the potluck table to share.

(There will be no regular Green Sunday program or Green County Council meeting in December. We’ll party instead! The next regular Green Sunday program will be the second Sundayin January, 2018 (followed as usual by the County Council meeting). All members are welcome to participate).

From Nobel to Nobel: Celebrating the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize @ Western Institute of Social Researc
Dec 10 @ 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm

dec._10_wsf_event.pdf_600_.jpgOn December 10, the Nobel Committee will present the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. Nuclear disarmament advocates around the world will be celebrating. Please join Western States Legal Foundation to celebrate the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize and our 35th anniversary! Learn about the direct line from the 1967 Treaty of Tlatelolco to the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty!

The Nobel Committee awarded the 1982 Peace Prize to Alfonso García Robles of Mexico and Alva Myrdal of Sweden for their years of work in United Nations’ disarmament forums. Ambassador Garcia Robles was the driving force in negotiating the1967 Treaty of Tlatelolco, the first nuclear weapon free zone in a populated region.

The Nobel Committee awarded the 2017 Peace Prize to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) for its work to draw attention to the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and for its ground-breaking efforts to achieve a treaty-based prohibition of such weapons.

Western States Legal Foundation was founded in 1982 and has been working for a nuclear free world ever since.

Wine and light refreshments will be provided. Donations are welcome but not required. RSVP’s appreciated:

Liberated Lens: This Is Where We Take Our Stand @ Omni Commons ballroom
Dec 10 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Four days of heartbreaking testimony that revealed why many veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars had concluded that their mission was unjust.

Slingshot new volunteer meeting / article brainstorm for issue #126 @ LongHaul
Dec 10 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Kick-off meeting to create Slingshot issue #126. Slingshot is an independent radical newspaper published in Berkeley since 1988.

* Brainstorm articles for next issue
* Orientation on how you can submit articles, art, photographs
* Help us discuss our audience and themes for the next issue
* Discuss fundraising and distribution
* Your chance to comment on Slingshot

Everyone is welcome.
Issue #126 is due out on January 26, 2018
Deadline for Issue #126 is January 13, 2018

Youth Climate Lawsuit – Ninth Circuit Arguments in SF @ James R. Browning United States Courthouse 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
Dec 11 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Good news in the landmark youth climate lawsuit, Juliana v. U.S.  A three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco has granted Juliana v. US attorneys the opportunity to argue in support of the fundamental and constitutional right to a livable climate.  Faced with a climate emergency, 21 youth plaintiffs will call on the Ninth Circuit to lift the temporary stay and allow the case to proceed to trial.  Please show up in solidarity with the youth and stand for climate rights!  You can also livestream the hearing.

Read the full press release here.

Kelsey Juliana, 21-year-old named Plaintiff from Eugene, Oregon, said:  “Every week, or even every day that our trial is delayed is time I spend further worrying about the stability of our climate system and the security of my future.  I’m excited for the Ninth Circuit judges to hear from my lawyers, and to have our case in front of them. Another step forward, onwards to climate and constitutional Justice!”

The youth are eager to explain in open court before the 9th Circuit judges why their case must go to trial under out nation’s laws and as a matter of urgency.

These 21 young Americans have won at every step of their lawsuit so far, and they need our help to do so again. Please make a donation today to help us bring these brave youth plaintiffs to court in San Francisco.


RSVP Facebook.

The Welcome Home Project @ Albany Library
Dec 11 @ 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm

The Welcome Home Project is a collection of stories and photographs of formerly incarcerated Alameda County residents who turned their lives around after many years in prison. Their stories are testimony to the power of resilience and determination in the face of the barriers that most formerly incarcerated individuals face.

There is a mini-exhibit of the photography show and a panel event on Dec. 11th at the Albany Library.The panel with include a few of the Welcome Home participants.

BART Police Citizen Review Board – Use of Force Policy @ 3rd floor, Kaiser Center, 20th St. Mall
Dec 11 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

BART Police Citizen Review Board (BPCRB)


8.  Revised BART Police Department (BPD) Use of Force Policy.  For Discussion and Action.

Backpack Full of Cash Movie Screening @ Auditorium at Oakland Technical High School: Enter through the side gate on 42nd St.
Dec 11 @ 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
This film explores the impact that corporate-driven reform of public education is having on
America’s most vulnerable children and communities across the country.

The film will be followed by a discussion including:
Dr. Julian Vasquez-Heilig, Professor at Sacramento State and CA NAACP Education Chair
Sylvester Hodges, Former OUSD Board Member

Sponsored by the Sacramento State Doctorate of Educational Leadership.

Oakland Tenants Union monthly meeting @ Madison Park Apartments, community room
Dec 11 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

OTU’s Mission

The Oakland Tenants Union is an organization of housing activists dedicated to protecting tenant rights and interests. OTU does this by working directly with tenants in their struggle with landlords, impacting legislation and public policy about housing, community education, and working with other organizations committed to furthering renters’ rights. The Oakland Tenants Union is open to anyone who shares our core values and who believes that tenants themselves have the primary responsibility to work on their own behalf.

Monthly Meetings

The Oakland Tenants Union meets regularly at 7:00 pm on the second Monday evening of each month. Our monthly meetings are held in the Community Room of the Madison Park Apartments, 100 – 9th Street (at Oak Street, across from the Lake Merritt BART Station). To enter, gently knock on the window of the room to the right of the main entrance to the building. At the meetings, first we focus on general issues affecting renters city-wide and then second we offer advice to renters regarding their individual concerns.

If you have an issue, a question, or need advice about a tenant/landlord issue, please call us at (510) 704-5276. Leave a message with your name and phone number and someone will get back to you.

Court Support: J20 Resisters
Dec 12 @ 9:00 am – 11:30 am

Trump Tax Scam Protest – Oakland @ Grand Lake Theater Intersection
Dec 12 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Oakland City Council Public Safety – #DeportICE Legislation @ Oakland City Hall, Hearing Room 1, Oscar Grant Plaza
Dec 12 @ 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Update: The SEIU/IPTE strike has caused the cancellation of the 12-5 Public Safety Committee. New date (12-12) is tentative and will be confirmed as soon as possible.

Deport ICE: The Resolution To End Cooperation With ICE

On December 5th, Oakland’s Public Safety Committee will debate a resolution from Desley Brooks and Rebecca Kaplan to end all Oakland Police Department cooperation with ICE, after assistance in an August 16 raid violated the city’s sanctuary policy.

Video Samples from the November 28 hearing on the ICE Raid

On August 16, HSI/ICE conducted an AM raid on the 700th block of 27th Street in West Oakland with OPD assistance. The raid was advertised (erroneously) as a search warrant for the sexual trafficking of juveniles, biut there were no actual allegations of sexual abuse, no juveniles were removed from the home and the solitary arrest was for being undocumented. The 25 year old arrestee is now in the deportation process. At an October 5th investigation and hearing that the OPD Chief did not attend, Oakland’s Privacy Commission concluded that the raid violated Oakland’s sanctuary city policy and several statements made by OPD chief Anne Kirkpatrick about the raid were false.

Video of the OPAC hearing is here.

East Bay Express coverage is here:

City Council members Desley Brooks and Rebecca Kaplan have now initiated legislation to end the sanctuary loophole but need our help to get it through the full Council.

Oaklanders and other Bay Area residents who want sanctuary legislation taken seriously around the Bay should attend.

Much else also of interest on the agenda for activists keeping tabs on OPD, Urban Shield and ICE.

  • Bay Area Urban Area Security Initiative Program MOU
  • Fiscal Year 2017 Urban Area Security Initiative Program Grant Agreement
  • OPD Crime Analysis Software Contracts
  • Regarding The HSI/ICE Raid In West Oakland On August 16, 2017
  • Resolution Clarifying And Reaffirming Policy On Non-Cooperation With ICE
  • Overtime Expenditures In The Police And Fire Departments For FY 2017-18



No Cuts to Kids! – Oakland Justice Coalition March to OUSD @ Lake Merritt Amphitheater
Dec 13 @ 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm

Join us

4:45 Short march (4 blocks -click to see map) to Board Meeting
5:00 Rally at La Escuelita, 1050 2nd Avenue


We demand: The Resources Our Students Deserve!

OUSD only legally needs to cut $1.2 million, not $9 million. This is down from $15 mil. due to our protests!

No Cuts To Schools or Essential Staff! No Layoffs of Non-Administrator workers!

CA already underfunds education. We are 46th in student spending out of 50 states even though we are the 6th largest economy in world. Make the banks and corporations pay their fair share in taxes.

Don’t make kids pay for adult mistake

Contact the School Board

Email format: firstname.lastname @

Call: (510) 879-8199 / Jody London x31, Aimee Eng x32, Jumoke Hinton-Hodge x33, Nina Senn x34, Roseann Torres x35, Shanthi Gonzales x36, James Harris x37

DSA Single Payer Social Hour @ Moxy
Dec 13 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Come to our social hour at Moxy!  Come out to connect with DSA, learn more about our single-payer campaign, and meet your neighbors!