Update: Support Blueford family at City Council meeting Tuesday, May 15th – 6:00 pm

Categories: Events Committee, Front Page

Stop Oakland Police Brutality!!!

Stop Oakland Police Brutality!!!


Pack the City Council meeting this Tuesday, May 15th, at 6:00 pm. It is located at 14th and Broadway in downtown Oakland. Show your support in your presence and voice for all of our sons and daughters of Oakland.



During the early morning hours of May 6, 2012, Alan Blueford was murdered by an OPD officer, whose name has yet to be released. His family is now seeking justice for his death.


This Saturday, May 12th, there will be a march at 3pm from the corner of 90th and Birch in East Oakland and will go to the Eastmont Pol ice Substation at 73rd ave and MacArthur.

Alan’s family has called for the march and has asked for a peaceful assembly and march.

Alan was shot in the back by Oakland police last Sunday.

The family is asking why the OPD has changed their story of what happened 3 times, why they consider the offer competent after he shot himself in the foot and a young man who posed no threat to the officer as he was running away, and why this same officer is on paid leave.

Supplies to make picket signs will be available at 11am Saturday at Arroyo Park.



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