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Western Marxism: How it was Born, How it Died, How it can be Reborn
Western Marxism: How it was Born, How it Died, How it can be Reborn
Sep 8 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Speaker: Gabriel Rockhill Western Marxism: How It Was Born, How It Died, How It Can Be Reborn, by Domenico Losurdoa, is a paradigm-shifting book that provides a trenchant critique of the Western left intelligentsia. It reveals how its dominant ideological orientation�characterized by defeatism, utopianism, and anti-commuunism�is rooted in the political economy of imperialism. Internationnally acclaimed theorist Domenico Losurdo thus provides a fresh and challenging perspective on purportedly radical thinkers who have been widely promoted in the imperial core Our speaker, Gabriel Rockhill, is a philosopher and activist who has published … Continued
4:00 pm
Occupy Oakland General Assembly
@ Oscar Grant Plaza
Occupy Oakland General Assembly
@ Oscar Grant Plaza
Sep 8 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
NOTE: During the Plague Year of 2020 GA will be held every week or two on Zoom. To find out the exact time a date get on the Occupy Oakland email list my sending an email to: The Occupy Oakland General Assembly meets every Sunday at 4 PM at Oscar Grant Plaza amphitheater at 14th Street & Broadway near the steps of City Hall. If for some reason the amphitheater is being used otherwise and/or OGP itself is inaccessible, we will meet at Kaiser Park, right next to … Continued