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12:00 pm Abolition Then and Now: Robin D. G. Kelley and Isaac Julien @ ONLINE, VIA 'ZOOM'
Abolition Then and Now: Robin D. G. Kelley and Isaac Julien @ ONLINE, VIA 'ZOOM'
Dec 1 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Register here Join historian Robin D. G Kelley and artist Isaac Julien for an online conversation about the anti-slavery movements of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and current abolitionist uprisings against racist police brutality and the prison industrial complex. The conversation is informed by “Lessons of the Hour-Frederick Douglass” (2019), Julien’s immersive, ten-screen film installation about the famed abolitionist currently on view at McEvoy Arts. The conversation takes place online via Zoom on Wednesday, December 1, 2020 at 12pm PST. Attendance is free with registration. With excerpts of his speeches … Continued
6:30 pm Community Dialogs – Mass Incarceration and Higher Education @ Online
Community Dialogs – Mass Incarceration and Higher Education @ Online
Dec 1 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
We’re excited to announce Community Dialogs, a public education program offering events on topics related to mass incarceration and higher education. Events will feature guest speakers including students, our local community, and national experts; film and book discussion groups featuring Mount Tamalpais College faculty; and online workshops free of charge. The first event is scheduled for Tuesday, December 1, 6:30pm-7:45pm, and will feature the premiere screening of With This Knowledge, a short documentary series following two former students on their reentry journey. Film subjects Sumit Lal and Sajad Shakoor, and … Continued
7:00 pm Socialist Night School: Why the Working Class? @ ONLINE, VIA 'ZOOM'
Socialist Night School: Why the Working Class? @ ONLINE, VIA 'ZOOM'
Dec 1 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Socialists talk a lot about the working class. Why is that? Well, we think workers play a particular role under capitalism that makes them central in the fight for socialism. As the main producers of society’s wealth, workers have the potential power to halt the system. What does it mean to build this power and how does that inform our organizing today? Join the East Bay DSA Political Education Committee for a discussion of these questions and more! Reading + Listening Hal Draper, Why the Working Class Vivek Chibber, Why the Working … Continued