
Sea Level Rise & Shoreline Contamination Regional Workshop
Dec 8 @ 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm

This Zoom workshop, hosted by a large group of local climate justice and conservation organizations, will include presentations on the latest science on sea level rise, the potential and current impacts of sea level rise and groundwater rise to contaminated sites around the San Francisco Bay, a community panel with speakers from frontline and shoreline communities around the Bay, discussions between community and government on next steps to address this critical threat to communities, and more. You can learn more about the workshop and register HERE.

With Love and Rage and Action,

Extinction Rebellion SF Bay Area

Sea Level Rise & Shoreline Contamination Regional Workshop
Dec 9 @ 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm

This Zoom workshop, hosted by a large group of local climate justice and conservation organizations, will include presentations on the latest science on sea level rise, the potential and current impacts of sea level rise and groundwater rise to contaminated sites around the San Francisco Bay, a community panel with speakers from frontline and shoreline communities around the Bay, discussions between community and government on next steps to address this critical threat to communities, and more. You can learn more about the workshop and register HERE.

With Love and Rage and Action,

Extinction Rebellion SF Bay Area

Building Capacity for Mutual Aid Groups: A Workshop Series @ Online
Dec 9 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Building Capacity for Mutual Aid Groups

Thu Oct 28th 4:00pm – 5:00pm


Building Capacity for Mutual Aid Groups: A Workshop Series

4 Sessions, Thursdays, 7 p.m. ET: Oct 28, Nov 18, Dec 9, Jan 20

Sponsored by BCRWFireweed Collective, and Survived & Punished NY

In this series, Dean Spade, author of Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity During this Crisis (and the Next), will present four interactive workshops designed for people working in mutual aid groups. Each workshop provides tools for addressing common obstacles and growth areas for people doing sustained work together to meet basic survival needs in their communities. The workshops are appropriate for people doing work in all-volunteer groups or in groups that have some staffing.

October 28: Workshop 1 – No Masters, No Flakes! (more info here)

Group culture, capacity, overwork, procrastination, and perfectionism in mutual aid groups.

November 18: Workshop 2 – Decision-Making (more info here)

Planning and making decisions together in mutual aid groups.

December 9: Workshop 3 – Skills for Abolitionist Practice (more info here)

Giving and receiving feedback in mutual aid groups.

January 20: Workshop 4 – Leadership (more info here)

What does leadership look like in mutual aid groups? Moving together and mobilizing while we fight to survive.

About the Presenter

Dean Spade has been working in movements to build queer and trans liberation based in racial and economic justice for the past two decades. He’s the author of Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics, and the Limits of Law, the director of the documentary “Pinkwashing Exposed: Seattle Fights Back!,” and the creator of the mutual aid toolkit at His latest book is Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity During This Crisis (and the Next).

Ending Gun Violence Summit – Berkeley @ Online
Dec 11 @ 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Save our Solar Jobs @ San Francisco Civic Center Plaza
Jan 13 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Save Our Solar Jobs Rally January 13th

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) released a proposal that would devastate solar access and jobs in California. If passed, this proposal would put solar out of reach for millions of people. We must act now and tell Governor Newsom and the CPUC to protect the solar savings policy.

We must tell him to protect solar jobs. We must tell him to protect your solar rights and savings.

Please join us for the Save our Solar Jobs Rally 


We are calling on you, your family, friends, neighbors, and more to join us. Let’s show Governor Newsom and the CPUC the overwhelming support for solar.

There will be two simultaneous rallies on Thursday, January 13 at 11 AM � one at thhe San Francisco Civic Center Plaza and one at Grand Park in Los Angeles.

Make sure to RSVP and we will follow up with more detailed logistics and instructions!

Hope you can join the rally for solar!

Support Youth: Teachers Divest from Climate Destruction
Jan 13 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Youth vs. Apocalypse invites all students, teachers, and allies to tell the California Teachers Association to stop supporting investment in fossil fuels.


YVA and other youth have been campaigning for the California State Teachers Retirement Fund (CalSTRS) to divest from fossil fuel. They have testified at many meetings, held demonstrations, and built a growing movement of support.

But the California Teachers Association (CTA), one of two state unions for California public school teachers, has been actively blocking this effort, supporting investment in the same fossil fuel industry that is causing global destruction, environmental racism, and misinformation. CTA has a huge influence on CalSTRS and where teachers’ money goes.

Come join Youth vs. Apocalypse to target CTA headquarters. Also, tell your teachers or any teachers you know to go to and take action.


Rally and Caravan for Kerry Baxter Jr @ San Antonio Park
Jan 16 @ 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm
January 16, 2022 will be the 11th year anniversary of the Murder of Kerry Baxter Junior. Join us for a March and Caravan at San Antonio Park in Oakland California.
For more event information:

The family and friends of Kerry Baxter Junior is holding a Community Rally and Caravan on the 11th year anniversary of his Murder. He was lured to San Antonio Park in East Oakland beaten and chased around the corner where he was shot in the back and died in front of San Antonio Church. It will be 11 years since he was murdered and the OPD has done nothing but harass his grandmother and put out lies about how he was killed. There were witnesses and others who saw what happened including his ex girlfriend and her friend who lured him to where he was killed. We are asking Attorney General Bonita to take over investigating his murder and prove that no one even the Police are above the law. We will meet at San Antonio Park and caravan to San Antonio Church where he was killed and then lead a caravan to the Downtown Oakland Police Station.

Reclaim MLK’s Radical Legacy @ Port of Oakland
Jan 17 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Enough Is Enough! No Public Funded Stadium In Port Of Oakland For Billionaire A’s Owner @ Oscar Grant Plaza
Jan 19 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Enough Is Enough!
No Public Funded Stadium In The Port Of Oakland
For Billionaire A’s Owner John Fisher

(Wear your masks)

It is time to call a halt to the A’s billionaire owner John Fisher’s plans for a stadium in the Port of Oakland. Why are Oakland politicians and some union officials pushing spending $700 million for a privately owned stadium, hotels and 4,000 million-dollar condos for the wealthy? We need to stop this racist gentrification project at the port.

On January 19th, there will be another environmental hearing to approve the EIR that this project will follow the environmental rules. This is another charade. State politicians Nancy Skinner and Rob Banta with the support of Governor Newsom changed the rules to allow the port to be destroyed by the billionaire’s development and for it to be funded by hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money.

While thousands are homeless in Oakland, they want Fisher who also owns the GAP and controls the KIPP and Rocketship charter school chains to take more control of the Oakland Community. Community activists and trade unionists will be speaking out against public money for this billionaire’s development scheme.

This project will also destroy 80,000 maritime jobs of ILWU and other maritime unions at the port which is critical to the Bay Area. Where will the thousands of trucks park but in the West Oakland neighborhoods. The mayor and the Port Commission and it’s chair Andreas Cluver who is also head of the Alameda Building Trades really don’ t care since they are taking orders from Fisher.

It is time to stop this scam and con game by billionaire Fisher and his rubber stamps.

Reject the EIR Report
No Union Busting In The Port Of Oakland
Working Class Housing With Public Funds
Stop Allowing Billionaires to Rip Off The People of Oakland

Initiated by United Front Committee For A Labor Party UFCLP
Endorsed by Melody Davis

Environmental Advocate Margaret Gordon Turns Against Oakland A’s Development

Emergency Action to say  “Negotiate, Don’t Escalate: No War With Russia” @ Ferry Building
Feb 1 @ 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Speak out against an unnecessary war with Russia which could possibly lead to the use of nuclear weapons.
If the war starts before Feb. 1, this action will still take place, to voice our opposition.

Emergency Action to say  “Negotiate, Don’t Escalate: No War With Russia”
February 1, 2022 at 11:30- 1:30pm (PST)
Ferry Bldg., San Francisco

There will be banners, flyers asking people to call the White House and their member of Congress, and an info table.  Capitol Hill: 800-826-3688
We are on the brink of a massive war between the US and Russia�two nucclear-armed states. The time to speak out is now!

The Russian people don’t want war; the Ukrainian people don’t want war. And we don’t want our soldiers to die in an unnecessary war with Russia!

Biden just ordered 8,500 US troops to be on heightened alert for possible deployment to Eastern Europe, as the dangerous escalation at the Russian/Ukrainian border standoff intensifies. Biden is also considering sending more warships and aircraft, and has already delivered more “lethal aid” to Ukraine. The $500 million Congress is set to pass through a fast-track vote, could and should be used on communities and climate. The Pentagon has said that there is the possibility of sending as many as 50,000 troops!

Join the Feb 1 emergency action to say “Negotiate, Don’t Escalate: No War With Russia.”
Sponsored by CODEPINK
Endorsers:  Green Party of Alameda County, Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Committee

CODEPINK’s recent webinar with Medea Benjamin and Larry Wilkerson: “Is the U.S. going to war with Russia over Ukraine?”
before profit!

No War With Russia! @ Civic Center Park
Feb 5 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

The U.S. and Russia have 90% of the world’s nuclear weapons. Call on Congress, the White House and the media to listen to the people of Ukraine, Russia and the U.S. who Don’t Want War, don’t want NATO expansion, don’t want to further enrich the war industry or risk nuclear annihilation.
Instead, we want universal healthcare, quality education, eco sustainability, housing for all. green jobs!

Bring signs or borrow Code Pink’s. Hold a sign and/or pass out flyers urging people to email and call the White House and Congress.
Cheryl Davila and a few others will speak briefly at a short rally on the grass just west of the peace wall fountain in the park.
Then we’ll spread out along MLK Jr Wy with signs, banners, informational action flyers, also outside the Farmers Market entrance.

Click below for more info or to please RSVP:
Berkeley, CA: No War with Russia Rally 

Free Leonard Pelter @ Federal Bldg
Feb 7 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm


Feb 13 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm


As you’re all aware, for the last several years I’ve been intimately involved in our MH “system”. It’s horrid and dysfunctional. In fact the WHO refers to the good old USof A, as being the worst place on the planet to be seriously mentally ill. Although it’s hard to, I believe them.

For three years now I’ve been helping to organize a very grassroots family organization – Families Advocating for the Seriously Mentally Ill (FASMI). We have lobbied, advocated, found allies, spoken up and educated and organized ourselves. Now we’re just plain fed-up and are taking our issues public as best we can.

On February 13th, Sunday, at 1:00 we will be rallying on the steps of the Board of Supervisors and some of us will stay and sleep there till their meeting Tuesday afternoon. Pamela Price and Loni Hancock will be speaking (briefly) among others – most importantly, families telling their stories (again briefly).

We’ll have art and music. Please join us and spread the word to whomever you think would be interested. I’m attaching our press release and flier.



for our Community Members with Serious Mental Illness

Alameda County Behavioral Health Department ignores State funds earmarked for
improving and expanding mental health infrastructure, while Supervisors vote to pour
money into Santa Rita Jail, which will conOnue to be the default warehouse of people
with mental illness.

Organized by Families for the Seriously Mentally Ill (FASMI)

On Sunday, February 13, the day before Valen’ne’s Day, beginning at 1:00 p.m., a broad-based
group of family ac’vists will gather on the plaza in front of the Board of Supervisors office
building at 1221 Oak Street in downtown Oakland to demand that Alameda County redirect
resources away from incarcera’on and into desperately needed community-based facilities
and services for those with Serious Mental Illness. There will be music and speakers, including
Alameda County District AQorney candidate Pamela Price, and former State Senator Loni
Hancock, throughout the aUernoon.

Participants will remain in the plaza un’l Tuesday, when the Supervisors meet, to demand a
public mee’ng to discuss recent funding decisions taken by the BOS and Alameda County
Behavior Health.

At a ‘me when the State of California is flush with tax revenue, and when the governor has
signaled that he intends to release funds to tackle the related problems of homelessness and
untreated mental illness, it is essen’al that elected officials listen to those who live with the
consequences of untreated mental illness. Families demand that all available resources are
sought and that they are allocated in a way that will make a difference in the lives of their
loved ones.
The State Legislature has already enacted the Behavioral Health ConOnuum Infrastructure
Program (BHCIP), which makes $2.2 billion in grants available to coun’es who apply for them
to “construct, acquire, and expand proper’es” that serve individuals with Mental Illness. These
funds can be used for much needed acute and/or sub-acute facili’es and suppor’ve housing.
Yet, to date, Alameda County Behavioral Health has declined to apply during the first rounds of
grants. These funds are once in a genera’on opportuni’es to create a decent con’nuum of
mental health care in the community. There are also other grants that can be used to subsidize
staffing and other needs.

At the same ‘me that the County is ignoring the opportunity to build more and beQer
community-based treatment centers, the Board of Supervisors has voted to allocate $300
Million to Sheriff Ahern for mental health facili’es at Santa Rita Jail, which has been sued for
its inhumane treatment of mentally ill prisoners. Ac’vists agree that jail condi’ons for those
with mental illness are deplorable, but they reject the idea that jail remain the default for
dealing with untreated mental illness. Public Defender Brian Bloom, who has been a fellow
advocate along with many others calling for “Care First, Jail Last” policies, said of the recent
seQlement, “Of course I want mentally ill individuals to be treated well in jail. But there’s only
so much money (and so many clinicians!) to go around: every penny that is spent in jail is a
penny not spent on keeping someone out of jail. “ Individuals frequently wind up in jail for
minor infrac’ons or innocuous behaviors simply because there is no other place to take them:
our hospitals and outpa’ent agencies are over-burdened. Jails are the beds that never say no.
Elected officials must step up and for’fy our Mental Health System so that it delivers for the
most vulnerable and overlooked members of our society: those with serious mental illness.
The demonstra’on is sponsored by Families for the Seriously Mentally Ill (FASMI), a
coali’on of family members, caregivers and supporters of those with severe neurobiological
disorders (aka SMI) such as schizophrenia, schizoaffec’ve disorder and bipolar disorder. FASMI
advocates for changes to public health funding, laws, policies and prac’ces that fail to
adequately help those with these illnesses. Families are the frontline of care and sustenance
for the mentally ill, but without the support of our ins’tu’ons and laws we are helpless to
protect our loved ones, and our family members become society’s problems.


Demand Care, Not Incarceration for James Ramsey @ Rene C. Davidson Courthouse, Department 003
Feb 17 @ 9:30 am – 12:00 pm

We need folks to show up to the Alameda County Courthouse in Oakland again to demand care, not incarceration for James Ramsey.

James Ramsey, a young Black Oakland resident with severe mental illness is being held on trumped up charges at Santa Rita for the alleged assault of Chinatown Chamber of Commerce President Carl Chan. James needs care, not incarceration.

James Ramsey has a history of mental illness and was living unhoused when the incident occurred. Both prosecution and defense agree that mental illness is an important factor in this case.

He has never received adequate mental health services or the support needed for his disabilities. Instead, he’s been funneled to the carceral system and subjected to punishment for incidents that likely stemmed from his mental illness, further traumatizing him. The state failed him at every turn, and now it wants to punish him for its failure.

Please join us at the courthouse this Thursday at 9:30 am to demand care and housing for James Ramsey, not incarceration!

Instructions: Participants are invited to go inside the courthouse to support. The building is wheelchair accessible. Bring a mask.

Speak Out Against School Closures @ CA State Bldg
Feb 17 @ 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm


Tech Wars Building the force against surveillance and policing in the digital world. @ Online
Feb 23 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

This 5-part course is designed for anyone interested in studying technology and data as the new frontier in organizing against the systems of enforcement and criminalization that harm our communities.

Three years since beginning our monumental #NoTechForICE campaign, we’re launching this course to share resources we’ve developed and to create a digital space for deepening our collective understanding of the ever-expanding state of surveillance––and how to organize against it.

By signing up for this course, you will hear from organizers, professors, and movement leaders who contribute towards this powerful movement for a surveillance-free future. Lessons will cover: data colonialism, race and policing, immigration enforcement, border militarization, global migration, organizing tools, and more.

Alongside key speakers, you will engage with selected readings, reflection questions, and meet other people thinking through these issues of 21st century technologies in their own communities. Join us every two weeks for one hour as we learn together and continue to build a path that centers communities targeted by the detention and deportation machinery, policing, and military operations.

We know that left unchecked, we will be facing down a new world order designed and controlled by big tech and enabled by the government.


Session Dates

Live sessions will take place biweekly on Wednesdays for one hour at 3pm PST/5PM CST/6pm EST. Lesson materials and content for each lesson will be unlocked prior to the live session.

Session 1: February 23rd
Session 2: March 9th
Session 3: March 23rd
Session 4: April 6th
Session 5: April 20th

Copwatching and investigating incidents of police terror. @ Online
Feb 26 @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Register to join our first responders training

For over ten years APTP has provided support to families surviving police terror in their fight for justice, documenting police abuses and connecting impacted families and community members with resources, legal referrals, and opportunities for healing.

Our First Responders team leads this work, and will be hosting a training Saturday, February 26th! This session will focus on training you on copwatching and investigating incidents of police terror.

We need folks to join our First Responders teams in Oakland and Sacramento to help provide critical support to families impacted by police terror and more. Future trainings will become available to cover family and jail support.

Where: Zoom � Register to join at
Accessibility: Auto-generated captions will be available

Register to Join
Here’s an overview of what this training will cover:

  • Independent Investigations: This part focuses on conducting independent people’s investigations including considerations on how to build your team, security and Know Your Rights considerations, required skills and infrastructure, preparation, identifying witnesses, trauma-informed interviewing, cultural humility, collecting evidence, and documenting investigations. We will use case studies from our investigations in Oakland, and provide time for knowledge and skill sharing, and discussion.
  • CopWatching: In the great tradition of our Oakland’s Panthers, Brown Berets, and other radical grassroots community groups, we need to Police the Police! Learn how to observe and document police harassment in our communities, advocate for someone under arrest, and deescalate police intervention.

Join us to learn from organizers and community members who have been doing this work for years!

No War with Russia/No NATO Expansion/Fund Communities, Not War @ I 80 Overpass
Mar 3 @ 7:00 am – 10:00 am

All-hands Call on DeJoy’s Electric Vehicles Contract
Mar 3 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
Topic: All-hands Call on DeJoy’s Electric Vehicles Contract

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

The Save the USPS Coalition invites you to an “all-hands” meeting on Postmaster Louis DeJoy’s gas-fleet, non-union contract with Oshkosh Defense. In this meeting, we plan to bring together postal advocates and labor, environmental and contracting experts to discuss what legal and political actions we can take to slow and stop this contract. If you are interested in working in coalition to bring down this contract, fill out this Doodle Poll and let us know when works for you. Further, if you know of anyone working in this area who should be included in the call, please let us know.
Who we are:
The Save the USPS coalition is a group of nearly 300 public interest groups that came together when Postmaster General Louis DeJoy was appointed to  protect and expand the postal service into a hub for community services.
Background on the Oshkosh Contract:
With DeJoy’s direction, USPS plans to spend $11.3 billion on a new fleet of USPS trucks. This contract with Oshkosh has a slew of environmental and labor issues. The trucks would be mostly gas-powered and be built by non-union labor in right-to-work South Carolina. Watch More Perfect Union’s quick video covering the contract’s long list of issues. Our ask is a nearly entirely electric fleet built by union workers in Wisconsin. USPS claims the contract is finalized, but it’s not over yet!
Help us strategize about the next stage of this fight!
Please fill out this Doodle Poll as soon as possible.

East Oakland March Against School Closures @ Roots Academy
Mar 5 @ 10:00 am – 2:30 pm

Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) has closed 20 schools since the state takeover of OUSD in 2003. Earlier this year OUSD announced they would close SIXTEEN more! However, due to persistent pressure from students, their families, teachers, and community members via protests, walk outs, and hunger strikes, OUSD has reduced the school closure list to TEN schools.

But ten schools is still too many.

School closures are part of a long-term plan by corporations to increase their profits by destroying public education – converting public scchools into charters, or selling them off to real estate developers. These closures disproportionately impact Black and brown communities and students receiving special education services.

The Anti Police-Terror Project is in strong solidarity with the students, families and teachers who continue to fight against these plans!

Please join us tomorrow, March 5 in East Oakland to rally and march against these racist school closures!
What: SHUT DOWN THE TOWN: East Oakland March Against School Closures
When: Saturday, March 5

  • Rally at 10 AM;
  • March leaves at 11 AM;
  • March arrives at 1 PM;
  • Performances and speeches from 1-2:30 PM

School board directors Gary Yee, Sam Davis, Shanthi Gonzales, Aimee Eng, and Clifford Thompson have all voted in favor of school closures, making it clear that they serve corporations and billionares, not Oakland students and families.

Join us tomorrow at 10 AM to demand:

  • No closures, no cuts
  • Cancel the debt and fund our schools
  • Show us the money
  • No state take-over

In solidarity,

P.S. The campaign to fight against school closures is accepting Venmo donations at @ShutDownTheTown.
Anti Police-Terror Project is a Black-led, multi-racial, intergenerational coalition that seeks to build a replicable and sustainable model to eradicate police terror in communities of color. We support families surviving police terror in their fight for justice, documenting police abuses and connecting impacted families and community members with resources, legal referrals, and opportunities for healing.