
Occupy Oakland Focus Group for Young Organizers (18-30 years) @ The Holdout
Mar 8 @ 3:00 pm – Mar 8 @ 4:30 pm

Got thoughts on Occupy?

The Applied Research Center (publisher of Colorlines) is conducting focus groups with young organizers (between 18 to 30 years of age) to understand what motivates you to participate in the Occupy movement.

The focus group will run an hour and a half, from 3:00 to 4:30pm, this Thursday, 3/8 at The Holdout, 2313 San Pablo and 19th St., Oakland.

Participants will receive a $25 gift certificate from Arizmendi Pizza or AK Press (both are worker-owned coops!) for their time.

RSVP here:

Contact if you have any questions.

Street-medic live action role playing
Apr 29 @ 4:00 pm – Apr 30 @ 12:00 am

Hey there! As a fun way to get ready for may day, we will host a wonderful medic event.

This event might be more useful if you have already been a street-medic, and or you have been trained. We will not go over a whole training at this event, this is just to  practice your skills and for us to hangout and have fun!

Please bring: Clothes you will get dirty in! supplies to share! A lunch or money/ebt etc to get one. friends who want to be lovely actors, your awesome skills,

Tentative schedule:

9am-12pm workshop skill share discussion, social, maybe breakout groups for detailed workshops

12-1pm lunch and social and supply swap!

1 til 4pm scenarios, feedback, and live action role playing.

4 til 5pm socialize

5pm end of the event!

First come First on the list. Limited room. Please RSVP to

“COINTELPRO Panel with Diane Fujimo and Gerald Sanders” HoldOut @7:30pm @ HoldOut
Oct 14 @ 2:30 am – 3:30 am


WHAT: COINTELPRO Panel with Diane Fujimo and Gerald Sanders

WHEN: Saturday October 13th at 7:30pm

WHERE: The HoldOut – 2313 San Pablo Ave, Oakland CA

NOTE: Post originally created by WiseOldSnail and posted at:


From the Red Scare of 1919-1920 to the McCarthy period of the 1950′s to the COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) era of the 1960′s, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has operated primarily as America’s political police. With the recent alegations that long time activist and former Black Panther member Richard Ioki was an FBI informant it is imperative that militants become familiar with the History of COINTELPRO.”

Post created/copied by/from WiseOldSnail at:


International Women’s Day March! in SF @ Broadway & Columbus Avenue
Mar 10 @ 1:59 am – 5:59 am
International Women’s Day March Against the Sites of the Oppression of Women
Saturday, March 9
6-9PM, Meet at Broadway & Columbus in SF

From the expanding porn industry to the escalating attacks on abortion rights… In a world like this, there is no “neutral.” If you are not fighting the oppression of women, you are saying it’s okay!


This International Women’s Day, 2013, join Stop Patriarchy! Bay Area in the streets to say:
We refuse to accept a world which enslaves and degrades half of humanity  simply  because they are born female. We are done turning our heads and making excuses. We are done swallowing the daily insults and abuses. We are  done blaming ourselves and/or each other. We are done choking on our rage. We dare to confront this war on women head-on, without fear and without compromise.


We will start LOUDLY and BOLDLY at Broadway and Columbus in North Beach, where women are commodified, sold, and used at the strip clubs, porn stores and on the street.  Then we will MARCH through San Francisco, take back the night in the name of women everywhere, and CALL OUT the institutions of patriarchy, in all forms – no matter how normalized they have become.


Only  through mass, ferocious, political struggle can we begin turn the tide, and we won’t stop until we create a world where women can walk the earth free of fear of rape or violence from men, a world where women participate fully  and equally in every realm together with men, a world where being born female is no longer condemnation to a life of abuse and shame.


For International Women’s Day 2013, through our mass public actions around the country – joining with women and men around the world – we will make it known:  there is a new movement taking hold, a movement you have to join, a movement that will not stop until all the chains that bind women have been shattered forever.




IWD2013 – See full flier