Black Friday Protest at Emeryville Mall

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Black Friday Protest

Stop the Desecration of Indigenous Land

Did you know that the Bay Street Mall is built upon a Sacred Ohlone shellmound burial ground? It is the oldest and largest burial ground in the bay area – older than the pyramids in Eygpt. In 2000, it was desecrated to make way for the mall. Join in the annual action to educate the public about this sacred site.

Bring snacks and signs as we ask holiday shoppers to boycott this mall to respect the original (and still present!) inhabitants of the Bay Area. Children and families are welcome.


Annual Emeryville Shellmound Protest

Marking the historic 10 year anniversary of this gathering

Where: *Bay St Mall in Emeryville, Corner of *Ohlone Way and Shellmound

*When: *Friday November 25th 12-3pm

For More Information:,

Both Occupy Oakland and Occupy San Francisco stand in solidarity with this action and will be there to support


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